Honeybees are known for their community collaborative qualities and their beehive is known for its’ resilience to natural calamities.
Kee-hive was built on similar lines of collaboration, community, and resilience.
It is a safe space where people from diverse cultures, socio-economic backgrounds, occupations, and worldviews, come, stay and share conversations, responsibilities, laughter, and resources.
It is a revolution in communal way of living which is rethinking the ideas of giving-asking, abundance, and necessities of life, and the concept of family.

“Kee-hive is all about giving, our core belief is to give forward to keep providing nectar to the Keedas in need."
"I call it the atrangi Keedo ki satrangi duniya, that provides an open safe space to anyone who needs it."
“Kee-Hive will keep providing honey to budding Keedas which was sourced by the established Keedas.”
Kee-Hive 2.0
Our Kee-Hive in Jaipur is currently in hibernation. For at least the next two months, we are taking time to dream and scheme about Keehive 2.0. During this time, Kee-Hive will have limited hosting capacity. We have set the limit of 3 long term residents (people staying a week or longer), and a maximum of 5 keedays staying at one time (including short and long term residents).
During this hibernation period, Sarah is anchoring Kee-Hive. Should you want to visit Kee-Hive, please reach out to her at least 2 days in advance. She can be reached at sarahelizabethrivers@gmail.com or 9821117924.
If you are interested in joining the dreaming and scheming about Keehive 2.0, reach out to Sarah (contact info above) or Ashwini (traveller.ashwini@gmail.com).